This list is comprised of covers commemorating Project Gemini. Project Gemini was the program that came between Mercury and the Apollo moonlandings. Project Gemini's main purpose was to test the theories that would be utilized in Apollo. These would include the rendezvous and docking of two spacecraft, working outside the spacecraft in extra-vehicular activities or spacewalks, precision reentry, and living in space for extended periods of time. Through two unmanned flights and ten manned flights, Project Gemini proved we were ready to try for the moon. Luckily for us collectors, interest in space collecting started to grow at the end of Project Mercury and many covers exist for most of the events of Project Gemini. There were also some exciting new things for us collectors to collect. Beck cachets were done for all the prime recovery ships and most of the secondary ships. Even Kennedy Space Center had something for us with those tiny little blue, and sometimes red cachets that started just before Gemini-5 and became known as NASA cachets. So enjoy this list and maybe you can fill in some holes in your collections.


(Note: Please see Space Craft Covers list for additional Project Gemini Covers)


Gemini-3 : Gus Grissom & John Young

Gemini-3 Prime Recovery Ship:

3-23-65, USS Intrepid - MC, Navy RSC

Gemini-3 Secondary Recovery Ships

    3-23-65, USS Sarsfield - HC, Navy RSC

Gemini-3 5th. Anniversary, 3-23-70, Houston - MC, SCCS (Young Local Post) $4.00

Gemini-4 : Jim McDivitt & Ed White

Gemini-4 Secondary Recovery Ships:

6-7-65, U.S.S. Barry - HC, B544 $8.00

6-3-65, U.S.S. Blandy - HC, B545 $8.00

Gemini-5 : Gordon Cooper & Charles Conrad

Gemini-5 Launch, 8-21-65, CC - HC, Orbit cachet $6.00

Gemini-5 Secondary Recovery Ships:

8-29-65, U.S.S. Chipola - HC, B560 $8.00

8-29-65, USS George K. Mackenzie - HC, B559 $8.00

8-29-65, USS John W. Weeks - HC, B564 $8.00

8-29-65, USS Leonard F. Mason - HC, Navy RSC $4.00

8-21-65, USS Manley - HC, B562 $8.00

8-29-65, USS New - HC, B568 $8.00

Gemini-6 : Scrub

Gemini-6 Scrub Secondary Recovery Ships:

10-25-65, U.S.S. Stickell - HC, B590 $7.00

Gemini-7 : Frank Borman & Jim Lovell

Gemini-7 Launch, 12-4-65, CC - HC, Orbit cachet $5.00
Gemini-7 Prime Recovery Ship:

12-18-65, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, B603 $20.00

12-18-65, U.S.S. Wasp - HC, Captain's Cover (stamp missing and cover damaged) $45.00

12-18-65, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC $12.00

Gemini-6 : Wally Schirra & Tom Stafford

Gemini-6 Launch, 12-15-65, KSC - MC, NASA cachet (light background) with Goddard Liaison Address $70.00
Gemini-6 Prime Recovery Ship:

12-16-65, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, ship's RSC $20.00

Gemini-8 : Neil Armstrong & Dave Scott

Gemini-8 Secondary Recovery Ships:

3-17-66, USS Boxer - MC, B634 $18.00

3-17-66, USS Boxer - MC, B637 $18.00

3-16-66, USS Cochrane - HC, B629 $7.00

3-16-66, USS Cochrane - HC, B632 $7.00

3-17-66, U.S.S. Myles C. Fox - HC, B636 $7.00

Gemini-9 : Tom Stafford & Gene Cernan

Gemini-9 Prime Recovery Ship:

6-6-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, B651 $20.00

6-6-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, B657 $20.00

6-6-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC (red) $12.00

6-6-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC (black)
Gemini-9 Secondary Recovery Ships:

6-6-66, U.S.S. Bordelon - HC, B654 $5.00

6-6-66, USS McCaffery - HC, B655 $5.00

6-6-66, USS Robert L. Wilson - HC, B652 $5.00

Gemini-10 : John Young & Mike Collins

Gemini-10 Launch, 7-18-66, CC - HC, Orbit cachet $5.00
Gemini-10 Prime Recovery Ship:

7-21-66, USS Guadalcanal - HC, B667 $20.00

7-21-66, USS Guadalcanal - HC, B672 $20.00

7-21-66, USS Guadalcanal - HC, Navy RSC (red) $12.00
Gemini-10 Secondary Recovery Ships:

7-21-66, USS Allen M. Sumner - HC, B669 $5.00

7-21-66, USS Allen M. Sumner - HC, Navy RSC $3.00

Gemini-11 : Charles Conrad & Richard Gordon

Gemini-11 Launch, 9-12-66, CC - MC, Sarzin cachet $5.00

Gemini-12 : Jim Lovell & Buzz Aldrin

Gemini-12 Launch, 11-11-66, CC - MC, Orbit cachet $5.00

Gemini-12 Prime Recovery Ship:

11-15-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC (black) $15.00

11-15-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC (Gemini-11 cachet - red) $15.00

11-15-66, U.S.S. Wasp - MC, Navy RSC (Gemini-11 cachet - black) $15.00

                                                                       ABBREVIATIONS USED

CC: Cape Canaveral C.O.: Commanding Officer
HC: Hand Cancel KSC: Kennedy Space Center
MC: Machine Cancel PAFB: Patrick Air Force Base
RSC: Rubber Stamp Cachet SCCS: Space City Cover Society
VAFB: Vandenberg Air Force Base WSMR: White Sands Missile Range

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